Football Champ

By Tim Green
Rating: 3 3/4 stars
We were introduced to Troy in the book Football Genius and this story picks up where the last left off. Troy has the ability to perfectly predict a team's plays before they happen and he is currently secretly working for the Atlanta Falcons, who are now ready for a playoff run due to his help. In addition, with the coaching help of Falcon Seth Halloway (who is also dating Troy's mom), Troy's school team is in the playoffs with him starring at quarterback. But Troy chafes a little at having to hide his talent from the world, after all, it isn't as if he is doing anything wrong. When Brent Peele, a reporter with a grudge against Seth, figures out Troy is somehow involved in the Falcons' turnaround, he convinces Troy he only has the team's interests at heart if Peele can do a story about Troy. But Troy's tell-all goes horribly wrong when Peele twists all of his words to make both the Falcons and Seth look like they are practically criminals. With his mother forced to go on leave and Seth suspended, it looks like the Falcons and Troy's school team's seasons are going down the drain. Can Troy and his friends Nathan and Tate make things right again? Plenty of both professional and kids' level football are highlighted in the story, and sports fans will be more than happy with the storyline. The ending leaves us a bit hanging, so another book about Troy must be in the works!